
Good Sleep is essential for your health 😴✨ It's during sleep that your internal organs rest & recover, your tissues repair themselves, your muscles grow and your brain processes the things that have happened during the day.

Sleep is essential for our health and well-being, and for our bodies to function probably. Yet, this is something that many don't take seriously, we stay up late working, we watch TV from blue light screens until late and we drink caffeine in the afternoon.

Not sleeping well over a longer period of time can have many negative effects on your health, such as:
* weight gain
* increases risk of chronic disease
* increased risk of accidents & injuries
*decline in cognitive function
* increased anxiety

Whereas, on the opposite, the benefits of a good night's sleep includes:
* increased energy
* strengthened immune system
* heightened alertness, focus & creativity
* improved mood by reducing anxiety & irritability & mental exhaustion
* increased libido (sex-drive)

If you are currently reading this and thinking that your sleep isn't good, or that you're not getting enough of it, then here are a few tips that might help to improve your sleep.

Tips for Better Sleep

  • Avoid caffeine too late in the day
    Avoid drinking coffee, or energy drinks, too late during the day. The caffeine gives you energy, and can make it harder for you to fall asleep at night
  • Sleep in a cool room
    A cooler temperature room can make it easier for you to fall asleep, so alongside with the next advice, letting in fresh air before going to sleep can help you sleep better.
  • Let fresh air into your bedroom everyday

  • Avoid blue light in the evening
    When the sun goes down and it starts to get darker your body will start producing melatonin (the sleep hormone) that helps you get tired and sleep. But, the problem today is that we don't really follow the natural rhythms anymore. When the sun goes down, we just go into full lid up living rooms and stare at TV, computer or phone screens that has blue light, which 'wakes' our bodies up. Limit screen time later in the day, or wear blue light blocking glasses in the evening. You can also set your phone to 'night shift', where it will minimise the blue light in the evening
  • Be active during the day
    Just like it's a good tip to follow the natural rhythms of the light to get a better sleep, during the day is where you should be active, whereas during evening and night is where you should be resting. You will also feel that you're able to sleep better if you've used your body during the day, because it gets tired after fx having been on a long walk or having exercised
  • Get sunshine during the day
    Along with the 'avoid blue light in the evening', comes the tip of exposing yourself to the natural light during the day. So many of us live inside, and don't really get exposed to the natural light during the day anymore. Make it a priority to get some sunshine and light exposure, preferably early in the day.
  • Slow down in the evening
    Your body needs some time to slow down and get into a resting mood to know that it's soon time to sleep. Create an evening ritual for yourself where you wind down at least 1/2-1 hour before going to sleep. Fx turn of screens 1/2 before going to bed, and dim the lights, and read a good book, or give yourself a little facial massage
  • Go to bed early
    Everybody is different, but most people need around 7-8 hours sleep to feel well-rested and ready for a new day. But following the natural rhytms of the day is important as well. Try to be in bed at around 10pm, and wake up at the same time during both week days and the weekend
  • Take a Magnesium supplement, or epsom salt foot bath
    Magnesium helps the body to relax. Magnesium activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is the system responsible for getting you calm and relaxed. You can take a magnesium supplement, or you can also choose to make a bath or foot bath with epsom salt, or use a magnesium oil to massage on your body in the evening

Question for you: Do you have trouble sleeping? Or do you have a night-time routine that you swear by? 😴✨


