By learning to tune more into our own body and pay attention to it, you can learn to read your body's signals. Then you know what your body is trying to tell you, then you can figure out what to give it to get better.
Learning to read your body's signals can help you immensely. Because when you know what your body is trying to tell you, you can start to figure out what to do about it to get better. There can be a lot of trial and error in terms of finding out what your body is trying to tell you, but overall there are some major things that can easily be read.
If you are experiencing a headache, perhaps you either have not drunk enough water during the day, so try to reach out and drink some water and hydrate your body. It might also be that you have been doing too much and need some relaxing. If you have been sitting at the computer all day, get away from it a bit. Look outside, or close your eyes, and take some deep breaths and relax.
Stomach ache
If you are feeling stomach ache, perhaps you have eaten something that doesn't work for your body. For some people this is fx dairy, wheat, coffee. Try to pay attention to how you feel after eating certain foods. Then over time you can try to cut out a specific food, and see if this makes you feel better.
Dry skin
If you are experiencing dry skin, your body might try to tell you that it needs more healthy fats. Try to add more healthy fats into your diet; avocados, nuts, seeds etc.
These were just a few examples, but our bodies are telling us things all the time. We just need to slow down and listen to it. If you need a break, take a break. If you feel like using your body, go for a run or do a yoga session. Tune into yourself and read your body's signals - and then do what it tells you to do.
Read also: Simple Healthy Habits