
If you suffer with eczema, then this blogpost is for you. I have done a lot of research into what might help if you have this condition. So here you have my tips if you suffer with eczema.

My littlesister suffers with eczema, and having seen how much it itches and what it can do to one's self-esteem, I have tried my best to do tons of research and try to find out what can help with eczema (of course in a more natural and holistic way). Here is what I have come across:

Eat more Healthy Fats

Just as if you suffer with dry skin, eczema is a condition that creates really dry and itchy skin, so it is not only enough to moisturise the body from the outside, but just as much from within. Add more healthy fats to your diet. Eat more avocados, nuts, seeds, and fx incorporate a daily green smoothie into your every day routine and add oil supplement, like fx evening primrose oil, or an 'oiloflife' oil blend (I personally use the 'woman' blend).

Drink more Water

Just like you want to moisturise your body from within with healthy fats, hydrating your body with water is also very important, so remember to drink plenty of water during the day.

Improve your Gut Health

There is a huge connection between gut health and skin health. Many people who suffers with conditions later in life might have a damaged gut, meaning more of the bad bacteria than the good bacteria. Try to take a probiotic supplement to get more good bacteria, and eat more fermented foods; sauerkraut, kimchi etc.

Avoid Inflammatory Food

Eczema is an inflammation in the body, and by putting inflammatory foods into your body you are putting more wood on the fire. Try to limit sugar, alcohol, processed foods. Instead aim for anti-inflammatory foods, such as veggies, fruits and berries. Eczema might also be an expression of a food you are eating that doesn't function with your body, try to make an elimination diet with fx dairy and wheat. Take one of these out for about a month, and see if you can see and feel an improvement, then you can slowly start to introduce it into your diet again if you like, but pay close attention to how your skin reacts.

Avoid Perfume

Perfume can really trigger a condition like eczema. Try to avoid perfume, and also go over all the products you put on your skin. Fx go after buying products that are made out of pure oils (fx apricot oil, almond oil), or go after certifications such as fx 'allergy friendly'. Also try to cut down on topical products, so that you do not use too many. Try to keep it simple, and use very gentle products.

Question for you: Do you suffer with eczema? Or do you know of anyone who does? Then share this article with them. Perhaps there is a tip or two that they hadn't heard about before, that might help them.


