
I was asked the other day if I wanted to share some of my favourite health books, and of course I want do! Health is one of my biggest passions in life. I LOVE to read about it, watch documentaries about it etc. and learn new information. I've read several books about this subject, but these are some of my absolutely favourite ones. There are books about hormones, what food to eat to make your skin look beautiful, what food is good for improving digestion, natural contraception methods, yoga and ayurveda, herbs and just learning more about what food to eat, and what food to eat less of, if you want to have a healthy body. 1. Womancode - Alisa Vitti*I read this book recently, and I love it. I feel like I've learned SO much about women's cycles in it, and how to stabilise hormones and avoid hormonal imbalance. Definitely a must-read for women, especially if you are just getting off the birth control pill and want to stabilise your hormones back to normal again.2. Beauty foods - Sally Walker & Laura Bonné*I love to read about what specific foods does for our body, our health and how we look. This book goes into depth with different food which is amazing to eat for our health and how we look.3. Hormonel harmoni - Caroline Fibæk & Stine Fürst*If you want to learn more about stabilising your hormones, or finding out what kind of hormonal imbalances you might have, then this book is great. It also has a little test where you can identify where you might have a hormonal imbalance.4. Taking charge of your fertility - Toni Weschler*When I first started thinking about quitting the birth control pill, I lend this book from my friend, and wow. This was when I started to learn about more natural ways of protecting yourself from getting pregnant, and just in general learn more about the female body and the cycle.5. Et Pukka Liv - Sebastian Pole*The founder behind the Pukka tea brand wrote this lovely book (A Pukka Life) about health, ayurveda, herbs and their benefits.6. Food Pharmacy - Mia Clase & Lina Aurell*A lovely book about what food to eat if you really want to be healthy, you'll learn a lot more about probiotics, vegetables and much more.7. Begynderyogabogen - Karen Pallisgaard*If you are new to yoga, or want to learn about ayurveda, then this book is amazing. So easy to read, and yet filled with so much good information. I'm such a fan of Karen's books, also Langsom Livsstil.8. Medical Medium Life-Changing Foods - Anthony Williams*This book is also about how food can change your life and make you healthy. It describes different food and how it affects your body and your health.9. How Not to Die - Michael Greger*If you're interested in a plant based diet, this is probably one of the books most people will recommend you to read. Michael Greger is one of the 'big nutritionists' in the plant based field and have written this amazing book. The book comes with so much scientific evidence for how only a diet can prevent and reverse many of the causes of diseases-related death. Another one is The China Study by T. Collin Campbell & Thomas M. Campell, which is about a study made in China which showed how diet affected health.I hope you can find some inspiration, and please also share your favourite health books with me - I'm constantly on the hunt for new amazing books to read!*Affiliate links have been used, this means that I get a percentage of the sale if you buy through this link. 


