
I've already been writing down in my journal some of my reflections for the past year, but then I thought that some of these things might be interesting for you out there to follow along with as well. Here are some of the things which have had the biggest impact on my life in 2017: 

Zero waste

2017 was the year that I learned about Zero Waste. I had NEVER heard about this concept, before I came across Lauren Singer from trashisfortossers on Youtube, and I fell head over heels in love with the concept and how Lauren made it look cool while at the same time doing something amazing for the planet. So, I started doing a lot of researching about this and saw a ton of youtube videos and read blogposts about this concept and started to change things in my own life.I've already changed lots of things in 2017, I have changed to a menstrual cup, a shampoo bar, I've started to change my skincare and bodycare products for products that come in glass or steel instead of plastic, I'm still using a reusable water bottle which I've done for many years actually, I'm using reusable cotton bags whenever I'm buying groceries, I've switched to bamboo toothbrushes instead of plastic brushes and I've started trying to make a lot of homemade skincare products as well.These are just some of the things which I've been changing, but the biggest one is just my mentality. I had honestly never thought about before how I could make a positive change in my life besides the usual advices such as"turn off the lights when you don't use it" and "don't shower too long". It has encouraged me to really believe that I can make much more of a difference in my everyday life than I first thought possible, and I've also started to realised how I can show the world what I want to support by using my money. I've started doing a lot more research before buying anything new, I want the brands do be sustainable and ethical, and I especially want to support more local brands. 


2017 was also the year where I learned to reach out to new people with the same interests as me. I gotta make a shoutout to Ida for making me more open towards this. Ida was the one asking me if we should grab a cup of coffee in the beginning of the new year. I gotta admit, I was kind of nervous about meeting something for the first time whom I had only been writing with on Instagram.But this had probably been one of the most life changing things for me. Because I came to realize that it really isn't that frightening. I mean, what is the worst that can happened? That the two of you don't get along, well then you can just stop meeting up anymore. And wow how I've met some inspirering new people through Instagram and my blog. I've met Ida, which is now one of my very close friends. I've met Anna, Cathrine and Cirkeline. I've also met some of the girls from Sustain Daily, and become a part of Sustain Daily influencers thanks to Instagram. And I'm constantly thankful for all those commenting and messaging me on Instagram or my blog, I absolutely love connecting with like-minded people, it is truly amazing and inspirering. Thanks to all of you out there. 


2017 has been one of the best years when it comes to my health both physically and mentally. I've learned a lot more about yoga, spirituality, ayurveda, hormones, the menstrual cycle and so much more! I've finally realized that the best way to be healthy is to have the connection between both the physical and the mental aspect. You will never be really healthy if all you do is eat strictly healthy, train all the time and just do things for the sake of your 'outer appearance' or physical health. Life is ALL about balance. It can be just as healthy for you to go on a café with your best friends, your loved one or your mom and just talk and eat a delicious cookie and drink a latte. Everything in moderation, but life is all about balance and it should not be about restricting yourself. Find out what makes you the happiest, and make sure to do these things regularly - life is made out of the small everyday things, and we should strive for bringing those small things into our lives as much as possible.2017 was also the year I chose to stop taking birth control pills after having done a lot of research about how damaging this is to our bodies and how much it can affect our mood and our overall happiness, and I can already say after just 1 month without birth control pills that I'm feeling so much happier. I feel unbelievably blessed for this past year and what I've experienced, and how my mentality has changed and for what I have learned. I want to take some days off from the blog for the rest of this year to take time to be with my family and friends (and work on some exams), and then I'm absolutely positive that I will return in the new year with lots of new content and inspiration.I also want to say a big THANK YOU to all of you out there following along, both in here and on my Instagram, and thanks for engaging - it means the world. If there is anything you would like to see more of in the new year, then share your thoughts and ideas with me! I wish you all the best Christmas and a Happy New year - see you very soon! (btw, I'm still going to post some things on my Instagram, but the blog will take a little break and be back in the new year). 


