Reprogramming your Subconscious Mind

In this post I want to share about ways you can reprogram your subconscious mind, and why you want to do it 🙏🏼

You might be at a place in your life where you don’t have everything you want? You wish you were a bit more confident, had more self-love, were a more organized person, were a person worked out consistently - or whatever it might be that you wished you were

You are NOT that, because you learned how to be who you are and what you do on a daily basis in your early childhood. From age 0-7 we are like small sponges, that just absorbs everything that our parents/caretakers/those arounds us are saying/doing/behaving like. And that is how we learn to operate and function in this world.

We have learned to be in a certain way, so that we would ‘survive’ basically. Fx if you grew up in a household where your parents or caretakers tried to comfort you immediately whenever you cried or told you ‘there is nothing to cry about’, you might have learned on a subconscious level that you “shouldn’t cry”, thereby holding in your emotions, or numbing yourself from actually feeling the feelings that might arise in you.

So we have all learned to BE in a certain way, and by the time we have grown up, most of us don’t even think about this - we aren’t even aware how our way of BEING is affecting all our lives. We just do these things we have learned on autopilot most of the day.

But if we want different results/outcomes in our lives - we need to BECOME someone else (not that there is anything ‘wrong’ with you - but your higher self wants more). So you need to start unlearning a lot of the old conditioning you grew up with, and start to REPROGRAM your mind for what it is that you DO want! 🙌🏼✨

So let’s get into the methods to start reprogramming your subconscious mind!


1) Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations are where you say “I am….” and then something positive/something you want to be. Fx I am confident, I am strong, I am healthy, I am love.

You can either read positive affirmations, you can say them out loud, you can find guided meditation/soundtracks with these and listen to them. The point is to start reconditioning your brain with POSITIVE thoughts about yourself, rather than ‘negative’.

You might have grown up and said so many horrible things to yourself in your head, fx like “I can’t do that”, “I’m such a failure”, “omg, look at how awful I look” etc. Do you know the feeling?

Your self-talk creates your self-image, and your self-image affects how you show up in life, which eventually affects your outcomes.

I personally have invested in an amazing app called “Superhuman”, which is filled with the most inspiring positive, empowering uplifting meditations. There is everything from walking meditations, seated meditations, ‘getting ready’ meditations and so much more. And these ALWAYS lift my state into a higher way of being.

2) Hypnosis

Hypnosis is another very powerful tool you can use to start reprogramming your mind for whatever it is that you want. I learned about hypnosis through a group coaching program I’ve been taken by Jim Fortin. To be honest, at first I was very ‘skeptical’ about ‘hypnosis’ and also a little scared, as I thought it would get me into some sort of trance where I didn’t really have control. That’s not the case at all!

The point of hypnosis is to get you into a very relaxed state, because when we’re in a relaxed state our brain waves functions differently, and we are thereby more susceptible towards suggestions.

So I personally listen to Hypnosis audios several times per week, both some where they are ‘outcome’ focused on fx ‘self-worth’, ‘confidence’, ‘money and abundance’, or I listen to one where I see a mental movie of what it is that I want to create in my life.

3) Subliminal messaging

Subliminal messaging is the use of stimuli that operate just beneath the threshold of your conscious mind. Because these stimuli do not exceed the absolute threshold level, you almost can’t decipher subliminals. Perceiving subliminal messages or any type of message requires the message to stimulate your conscious awareness. Otherwise, recognizing these messages will not be possible even if you are on the lookout for them.

So you can listen to some calming and relaxing music which has subliminal messages in them, without you even noticing any sound of actual messaging. I personally listen to these while working, relaxing, reading etc. I have found a lot of beautiful ones from “Yes Supply’s youtube channel”, fx this one is very calming and soothing to listen to 🙏🏼

4) Proof of the life you want

Finding proof of the life you want is one of the most powerful ways to start reprogramming your mind. I know in the beginning when I started dreaming of ‘more’ for myself, I still found it quiet hard to believe that it was possible. Because majority of ‘successful’ people I was exposed to as a child was famous movie actors/singers etc. But my-oh-my isn’t youtube and instagram just the best to showcase of what’s ACTUALLY possible! (Get me right, these platforms are certainly a ‘highlight showcase’ of someone’s life, so always be mindful about that everybody has issues/problems etc. no one has a “perfect” life).

BUT, I’ve certainly found TONS of inspiration from more relatable people on youtube and instagram who is truly going after their dreams and creating amazing lives for themselves.

And I follow people on these platforms, not to ‘envy’ them and get jealous, but instead of seeing it as proof of: What’s possible for them, only shows me what’s possible for me as well!

So continually expose yourself to PROOF of what’s actually possible for you (in a good way!). The more you see people, just like you, succeeding, creating the life they dream about, doing what they love etc., the more you start to believe that YOU certainly can as well!

You might not believe all of these things that you hear and say to yourself at first, but here it’s important to stay consistent and be patient with yourself. You’ve probably been criticizing yourself for yeeeeeears, so your mind is programmed to be one way. So it does take some time, effort and consistent practice to unlearn and recondition your subconscious mind to start thinking differently about yourself. But trust me, it’s SO worth it!

You can learn more about BECOMING who you want to be in this Masterclass 😍

Book recommendations:

You can Heal your Life - Louise Hay

What to Say when you Talk to Yourself - Shad Helmstetter

The Power of your Subconscious Mind - Joseph Murphy

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - Dr. Joe Dispenza




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