How to Raise your Vibration

In this post I want to share about how you can raise your vibration 🙌🏼✨

If you are totally new to the Law of Attraction, frequencies and vibration - then I will recommend that you first check out this video I’ve made about The Law of Attraction.

But if you’re already well aware that everything is energy - frequency and vibration, then the next question is - HOW do I raise my vibration, so that I attract more of that which I want into my life?

You start by becoming aware of the fact that everything in your life affects you and your vibration; your job, relationship, the food you eat, the things you watch, your home - everything.

This means that you also can change things to raise your vibration, and that is exactly what I hope this post can inspire you to start becoming aware of, and start to change.


Our job/career is one of the places where we spend so much of our lives. The question is; are you feeling happy? Satisfied? Are you living your purpose? Or do you dread going to work every time? Does your work environment drag you and your vibration down? Perhaps it’s time to look at what you really want from a work space. Or perhaps it’s time to start making attitude changes towards your current job/career


Our relationships are another area of our lives that affects us a lot more than we might be aware of. How does your mom, dad, siblings, friends, partner make you feel? Do you spend time around people that make you feel loved, supported, uplifted, heard? Or are your relationships/friendships dragging you down? Do they make you question yourself, your worth and whether you are loved?


Music is a beautiful way to lift your vibration. Become aware of what musics lifts you into a higher state and makes you FEEL good! I can recommend listening to beautiful instrumental music, or binaural beats.


One of the biggest aspects when it comes to raising your vibration, is through paying more attention to your own inner self-talk. You are the one you listen to the most, and you are thereby also the one person that can either tear yourself down, or build yourself up. Start to feed your mind with love, support, encouragement and compassion.


Your physical environment is an extension of your energy field, so how does your home make you feel? Do you get tired, frustrated, irritated just by looking around at clutter or things you don’t like? Or do you feel calm, uplifted and inspired? Start to move things around, do a good declutter, invest in things you love and make your space feel just like you want it to be.


Food is fuel, and food is literally fuelling your every cell. So what are you feeding yourself with? You might know the saying “you are what you eat”. This is very true. Food is information, and food can either feed inflammation or fight inflammation in your body, and make your body sick or healthy. It’s your choice. Also, remember to stay hydrated!


Moving your body is key! If we don’t move and breathe, things gets stagnant inside of us. Move your body; walk, run, bounce, dance - whatever feels good to you. Just make sure to move and breathe on a daily basis.


Pay attention to what you allow into your mind. What we feed our mind on a daily basis gets absorbed into us and starts to affect us. So what are you reading? What are you watching? What are you listening to? Do you watch the News 24/7 and then are wondering “why on Earth do I feel so anxious?”, well the news is so fear-based, so one way to raise your vibration is not to watch too much of this and get too much into it. Trust me, you can still stay ‘informed’ without feeding this fear into your mind all day long. Start to watch, read and listen to positive, uplifting, motivating, inspiring things and watch your life start to change.

We go through all of this and much, much more in my 6 weeks program The Inner Glow Course. Here we really dive deep into how to make you GLOW from the inside-out, through daily practices and we really take a deep look at your entire life and what’s working and what’s not. If you want to join, keep an eye out - next round is coming back in August/September 🧡✨


Reprogramming your Subconscious Mind
