
Hvis du har nogen problemer med din hud, om det så værende eksem, akne eller andet, så ville mit bedste bud på at klare det, være at prøve at spise mere plantebaseret. Spis flere planter! Broccoli, kartofler, søde kartofler, gulerødder, agurker, squash, tomater, peberfrugter, salater, bønner, quinoa, ris osv. Prøv at skær ned på mængden af fedt og forarbejdet kød, og mælkeprodukter. Hvis du mangler inspiration til hvad i alverden man kan lave af sunde opskrifter så ville jeg anbefale Annie Jaffrey's 'what I eat in a day' videoer på youtube, de er super simple, sunde og lækre!Indtaget af især mælkeprodukter, er efterhånden blevet så forbundet med hudproblemer, bare læs denne artikel.Jeg kan også tydeligt se og mærke på min hud når jeg har spist 'dårligt', i og med at jeg får bumser og min hud bare ikke ser frisk ud, sammenlignet med når jeg spiser masser af sundt og nærende mad. Det er enormt fascinerende, for jeg kan huske at da jeg var mindre, læste jeg altid i forskellige blade og forskellige hudplejeprodukter, der sagde at det man spiste ikke havde den store betydning for hvordan ens hud var - det handlede om hvilke produkter man brugte. Det troede jeg fuldt og fast på, og investerede mere tid og penge i at finde de rigtige (og dyre) hudplejeprodukter, end jeg investerede tid i at lave sund og nærende mad.Efter at jeg tilbage i 2012 læste en bog, som fik mig til at indse at mad og din huds udseende hænger sammen som pot og pande, har jeg siden da været enormt fascineret af hvor fantastisk at sund mad er, og ikke mindst, hvad du kan få ud af det! Du kan få en velfungerende krop, en sund krop, en klogere krop, en smukkere krop - så meget mere, bare ved at tage dig godt af din krop, og spise sund og nærende mad.Jeg har efterhånden læst et hav af bøger og set et hav af dokumentarer omkring hvad man bør og ikke bør spise. Selv er jeg kommet frem til at jeg har det bedst hvis jeg spiser masser af grønt, og masser af ris, quinoa, bulgur, bønner, linser osv. Jeg får det skønt af det! Dermed ikke sagt, at dette er vejen frem for alle, men jeg synes at man bør tage sig tid til at sætte sig ind i hvad der er godt for en, og prøve sig frem. Gør det for dig selv og din krops skyld.If you have any problems with your skin, that be eczema, acne or anything else, my best suggestion for you to handle it, would be to try to eat a more plant based diet. Eat more plants! Broccoli, potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, cucumber, squash, tomatoes, peber bells, salads, beans, quinoa, rice etc. Try cutting out the amount of fat and processed meat, and dairy products. If you lack inspiration on what on earth you can eat of healthy recipes, then I'll definitely recommend checking out Annie Jaffrey's 'what I eat in a day' videos on youtube, they are super simple, healthy and delicious!Especially the intake of dairy products, is nowadays well connected to lots of skin problems, just read this article.I can easily see and feel on my skin if I've eaten 'badly', because I get a pimples and my skin just does not look fresh, compared to when I eat healthy and nourishing food. It's completely fascinating to me, because I remember when I was younger and read all these different magazines and advertisements for skincare problems, where they all said that there were almost no connection between what you eat and how your skin looked - it was all about which products you used. I believed in these, of course I was a young girl who didn't knew that brands would come up with false facts. I invested more time and money in trying to find the right (and expensive) skincare products, than I spend time on trying to lave healthy and nourishing food.But then once in 2012 I read a book, which made me realize the connection between your food and your skin, and since then I've been hugely fascinated by how amazing healthy food is! By eating healthy you can get a well functioning body, a healthy body, a smarter body, a more beautiful body - and so much more, just by taking good care of your body and eat healthy and nourishing food.Now I've read so many books and watched a lot of documentaries about what to eat and not do eat. I've come to the conclusion that by eating plenty of plants, lots of rice, quinoa, bulgur, beans, lentils etc. I feel the best! Thereby not saying that this is the right way for everyone, but I think everybody should take some time and do some research about healthy food, and found out what works for them. Do it for yourself and for your body.Read also: The importance of drinking water


