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I’m all about taking time to relax & recharge, but I’m also all about getting real with yourself and what you spend your time on. And one way to do so, is to track your time!

Are you one of those people that at the end of the week, you feel like you’ve done NOTHING because you didn’t have the time to do all the things you wanted to?

Then it might be time to get real with yourself.

I challenge you for the next week to track your time. Literally, write down how much time you spend on e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. Sometimes we need the harsh truth right in our faces to start making a change.

Perhaps you dream of working on your side business. Or perhaps you really want to start working out, or spend more time reading books - but you just don’t know how on Earth to find the time for it?

Track your time and see.

Perhaps you actually spend 2-3+ hours scrolling social media everyday (yep, that’s the time many people spend on social media today. And if we say 3 x 365 days = that’s 1095 hours, which equals 45,6 days per year that you spend on social media.

Or perhaps you spend X amount of hours on youtube or watching Netflix.

This post is not to make anyone feel bad in any way, and watching Netflix and scrolling social media can also be somewhat relaxing for you. But it’s good with a reality check sometimes.

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Just say that instead of spending 2 hours every night watching TV, you could:
- Practice yoga for 40 minutes
- Meditate for 20 minutes
- Read a book for 1 hour

Or whatever it is that you want more of in your life.

So, are you up for the challenge? For the next week track your time and when the week is over, then look at what you have spend your time on and then start to actively make changes towards the life you really want to live.


