Skærmbillede 2020-11-06 kl. 09.25.00.png

One of the things that I’ve been actively working on improving this past year, is my money mindset. Not that I’ve ever “lacked money” as such, but I’ve always been somewhat living paycheck to paycheck, trying to save up and not spend too much money. I know, I’m probably not the only one who have felt like this, so today I want to share with you what you can do to start working on your Money Mindset

Around Christmas last year I started feeling frustrated about this, because Christmas came and I of course wanted to buy gift for all the ones I love, but also felt like I emptied most of my bank account afterwards.

I told my dad my frustrations, and he told me that he and my mom used to set aside money each month the entire year for things such as birthday gift, Christmas gifts etc. and in that way they had plenty when the time came for it.

I don’t know why on Earth I had never thought of this simple thing. But I decided to take a close look at my finances last year and started to make saving accounts and set aside money each month for the things I want to have money for - such as bills, gifts, investing, vacations, self-development.

So even though it might be a bit tough in the beginning, as you are just starting out saving up for these different accounts, in the long run this will be such a game changer.

If you have been following along, you will know that in my practice as a Holistic Health Coach, we do not only look at your health - meaning the food you eat and if you exercise or not, we look at your life as a whole. I use a coaching tool called The Circle of Life, which you can read more about here, and one of the factors in this tool is Finances - because your financial situation can sure also affect your health if you constantly worry or stress about whether you have enough money.

The More Spiritual side to Money Mindset

But I have also been diving way more into the more spiritual side of money this past year. Because, I do believe that everything in life is energy - and money is the same - it’s an energy exchange.

And I’ve learned that investing and circulating money can create an even greater flow of money.

This is why I’ve saved up to start investing money, and why I actively work on investing in things that can help me as a person and my business GROW.

I know that many of you following along are AMAZING women wanting to create the BEST life for yourself! And let’s just be honest, money as such might not make you happy - but having a good financial situation can sure give you more peace of mind, and I truly believe that when good people have more money, we will create a better world because of the things we choose to support and invest in!

Money Mindset Resources that I’ve found helpful during this past year:


The Jenna Black Show (in general, all episodes)

The Mind Your Business Podcast - episode 213: Attracting more ABUNDANCE

MarieTV - How to Create an Abundance Mindset with Investor Arian Simone

MindValley - Receive more Money with this Secret Japanese Technique

MarieTV - Tony Robbins on Money: Master the Game

Books I have read

“You are a Badass at Making Money” - Jen Sincero

“Money & The Law of Attraction” - Abraham Hicks / Esther & Jerry Hicks

“The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success” - Deepak Chopra

Books on my Reading List

“Money: Master the Game” - Tony Robbins

“The Latte Factor” - David Bach

“I will Teach You to be Rich” - Ramit Sethi

“The Fearless Money Mindset” - Arian Simone

“You Were Born Rich” - Bob Proctor

“Secrets of Six Figure Women” - Barbara Stanny

“The Education of Millonaires” - Michael Ellsberg

“Your Money or Your Life” - Vicki Robin

“Secrets of the Millonaire Mind” - T. Harv Eker

“The Trick to Money is Having Some” - Stuart Wilde

“The Compound Effect” - Darren Hardy

Other resources

Female Invest website - Platform teaching women How to Invest

Interview with Female Invest

Boundless Abundance Meditation Music (calming music to listen to while you work, relax, read etc.)

Give & Receive

The Energy you Bring into Your Life

I try to be sincerely grateful every time I spend money - to feel grateful for having the money to be able to afford XYZ. My dear friend and I, have truly taken the “Japanese money secret” to us, and we say “Arigato” (meaning: Thank you) every time we spend money or we get money.

Are you working on your money mindset? If not, take this as a sign, and start with watching one of the above videos or listen to one of the podcasts.


