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I have been studying life-changing habits for years, and implemented several myself that has changed my life for good. They might be simple, often things are, but if we don’t apply what we learn, the knowledge will never change our life - so you have probably heard about these things before - but have you taken the time to implement them into your life? Otherwise, now might be the time.

1. Gratitude

I have talked about this a MILLION times, and I will keep repeating myself - but gratitude is truly life-changing if you REALLY implement it. Write down every day what you are grateful for - both the smallest and the big things in life. Don’t take anything for granted. Be grateful. The ones who appreciate what they already have, will end up having more - and those who do not appreciate what they have, will never end up with more. It is a truth that has been said over and over by many people all over the world. Gratitude makes you focus on the things that you DO want in your life, it makes you feel GOOD. And that good-feeling will attract more good into your life. Like attracts like.
Don’t just write down what you’re grateful for - FEEL it, feel the appreciation, feel the joy.

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2. Self-love

Self-love, probably one of the hardest things to learn - but this is the biggest game-changer of them all. If you can learn to truly love and accept yourself as you are, your life will start to magically change. Because we create our own realities, and when we feel down or insecure about ourselves - that’s what we’ll attract more of.

This is the biggest journey you can go on - learning to love yourself, it’s something that most of us struggle with. But you’ll never attract the right things into your life if you are not truly honouring yourself, your truth.

How do you do it? There is no one right answer or solution. But learn to know yourself. What do you love? What do you enjoy? Speak kindly to yourself. Think of yourself like a 5 year old - how would you speak to that child? Kindly. Now watch your own thoughts and words towards yourself - are they kind?

Start paying more attention to your own self-talk and stop yourself whenever you are self-sabotaging yourself. Learn to love yourself, and your life will truly start to change.

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3. Meditation

Meditation has so many benefits, it can help control anxiety, reduce stress, improve sleep, happiness, strengthen your immune system and so much more. I have written a whole blogpost here about the benefits of meditation. Start small, try meditating for 2-3 minutes each morning, listen to a guided meditation or a relaxing binaural beat while meditating, if you find it difficult to just do it without anything.

Do you have any habits that have truly changed your life? I would love to know! Comment below or send me a DM on Instagram and tell me all about it!


