Today let’s talk about exercising & sweating! And why exercising and sweating is actually AMAZING for the health of your skin, and for keeping your skin looking youthful, fresh and glowing! ✨
I know that you are already well aware of how amazing exercising is for your overall health and mood and everything, and we all know that we should exercise or move our bodies more. Our sedentary lifestyle is causing so many health problems. We know it.
But sometimes, it’s hard to motivate yourself right? Perhaps, if you’re like me, naturally very thin of stature and you are feeling pretty good in your body, you might not think that you ‘need’ it as much, as if you fx had to do it because you were trying to lose weight.
Then you might need to find another good ‘reason’ or motivating factor for why to engage in more exercising.
And here I come to your rescue! If you are motivated by having clear and glowing and plump skin, then this post is for telling you that exercising & sweating is not only great for your health - it’s also GREAT for the health of your skin!
Exercising increases blood flow throughout the body, and is thereby bringing vital oxygen, nutrients and minerals to the skin. This all leads to brighter & better-looking skin!
Exercising keeps your skin looking young & firm, and exercising is actually one of the most potent anti-aging treatments that you can get.
New research shows that exercise not only keeps your skin healthier, but that it can actually reverse skin aging.
Exercising can impact the number and health of the mitochondria in our skin cells, and it can thereby make them behave as though they are younger than they are. This leads to more collagen (what makes your skin look plump and youthful!), improved hydration and less sagging.
Soooo, I don’t know about you - but this information definitely made me want to move and sweat more! Ps, and remember, exercising and moving is not only amazing for your skin and the overall health of your body - it also releases endorphins which makes you happier and boosts your mood! 😍🙌
Information: “The Beauty of Dirty Skin” - Whitney Bowe